Thursday, 7 August 2014

Where did that time go?!?

I can't believe it's been so long since I posted on here. In fact, it's been so long I'd forgotten I'd started this blog and came on here this morning to start one up. I had to restrain myself from getting out the pompoms and kazoo when I found this.

A lot has happened since my last post. We've moved house twice - from Ma's house to temporary accommodation and then to here, the baking book was published and is selling well, we lost our beautiful cat Roy to illness and gained two rescue boys called Phil and Shreddie, H has finished college and goes off to Uni next month and throughout all of this the Very Smart Cookie Company has soldiered on gaining some wonderful loyal customers along the way.

Yesterday was a Lucky Dip Selection Box day. As I had been out first thing and managed to buy some gorgeous Sorrento lemons it seemed rude not to include some lemon drizzle cake in there along with a big fat chocolate sponge, gloriously sticky marmalade flapjacks and the always favourite fudgy coconut brownies.

More Lucky Dips today too. Seeing as I still have some of those lemons left I suspect that a drizzle cake is on the horizon. Other than that well, that would be telling. Which is another way of saying I haven't got a clue.

I am still posting a photograph on Blipfoto every day - you can see a little thumbnail gallery of the latest of them on the right. I'm getting close to my 1000th entry which sounds and feels a bit insane but in truth that daily anchor has kept me on the straight and narrow over the last three years. None of my photographs is a technical wonder by any means but by plugging away every day I have learned how to take a reasonable photograph and am quite proud of one or two of them. It is also the first time in my life that I have kept a diary for longer than three days, a minor miracle in itself.

There's a new blogger on the block, my lovely friend Libby. For some reason I can't get a link to work in my blog list so I'm putting it in here instead. Please go and show her some blog love: This Price is Usually Right 


And a little plug for me too. Here's a link to my latest book which has 80 really lovely recipes in it:

"Bake a difference" Traidcraft Recipe Book
The ideal kitchen companion for the keen fair trade cook, this full colour, 164 page cookbook contains over 80 recipes using ingredients from across the world. Compiled for Traidcraft by Bee Rawlinson, this beautifully illustrated compilation of delicious cakes, bakes and savouries, many donated by Traidcraft supporters, makes the perfect gift - so why not package it up with a few Traidcraft baking goodies too?


  1. Thanks so much for the mention! Having popped my blogging cherry (nice food reference there especially for you!) I'm really enjoying it! xxx

  2. Good morning Bee,

    I hope you're well, and looking forward to the weekend. I work with Traidcraft, and noticed the link in this blog to the Traidcraft site is landing on an error page. As Traidcraft no longer stock 'Bake a Difference,' I was hoping you could supplement the current link for a link to the Traidcraft site:

    This would be a big help! If you have any questions don't hesitate to email me via

    Take care, and all the best for the new year.

    Amy Cousins

  3. Good morning! I hope you're well.

    I was in touch a while ago as I work with Traidcraft, and I'm just contacting a few sites who are using broken Traidcraft links on their pages. If you could get back to me that would be brill, and I'll happily direct you to the broken links on your site and offer supplementary ones.

    I hope to hear from you soon,

