Friday, 5 September 2014

All Systems Go

It is very busy at Cookie Towers this week, we are in the final countdown to H going off to Uni so laundry and packing are the order of the day. One bonus about going to Falmouth is that I can pop in and see all my boys and the littlies on the way there and back. Lulu is 3 tomorrow and George is 21 today so there is likely to be some cake going in the car with me too...

The chocolate selection boxes are very very popular and another lot when out today. I've included the chocolate loaf again, which H has just pronounced 'Delicious!'

I'm beginning to think about that day in December (don't shoot me) and I wondered what people would like to see in the boxes. Is the traditional cake popular? How about gingerbread? Or stollen? If I get requests for a traditional cake then I need to get a wiggle on and start making some, please let me know if you would be interested.

And here's another photograph of that wonderful chocolate loaf just in case you could be tempted -

1 comment:

  1. Chocolate loaf is IMMENSE! Am trying to forget there's some in the fridge - but it is calling to me!!
    All of the above Christmas options sounds great to me! xx
